55 Best Hamster Cages in 2020 (Must Read Reviews)

Yes, it typical to find the best hamster cages with more room, however, I have come with products, guides which exactly meet your requirements, let’s dive into it.

When we adopt a pet, there are many needs that we must cover.

Sometimes we are informed on how to do it; sometimes we need a little help.

For example, how to choose Best Hamster Enclosures? We give you some advice.

We must bear in mind that Hamster Habitats are like a house, the home of your pet.

Therefore, it is imperative to acquire one that has what your pet really needs. So that you do not make mistakes, we give you some tips.

Page Contents

What is the Syrian Hamster?

Hamsters are easy to care for as pets, they don’t need to walk, and are not particularly stinky or dirty, they are small and do not take up much space and, in general, they are economical.

They are relatively hearty animals and can be an excellent pet for a kid or a family with many kids.

However, there are two different options when it comes to adopting hamsters for your family: that is the dwarf hamster and the Syrian hamster.

Syrian hamsters are first discovered in Syria around the 1800s.

Syrian hamsters are also known as “Golden hamsters,” they are the most common kinds of hamsters to have as domestic pets.

Even though they are friendly to human owners, they should be kept away from other hamsters.

Why do every Syrian Hamster’s need Different Habitat?

They don’t accept sharing their home with others, so it is better to domesticate them separately from other pets.

Hamsters are considered active at night. You will notice when you wake that hamsters are very clean and that they enjoy grooming themselves regularly.

And when in the domestic environment they love to store food in their cheeks and then deposit it their nest.

In the wild, they will dig tunnel systems for their homes and store food.

Though they don’t like being friends with other hamsters, Syrian hamsters love human interaction.

They can bite if handled roughly. When they are kept as pets, they enjoy their time outside their cage, running inside the hamster ball.

This accessory gives them great exercise and a lot of play.

They also love running on wheels and hiding under the bedding of their home.

Although they hide a lot, they will come out when the caretaker approaches their cage.

The most common species of hamsters are the Syrian hamster and the dwarf hamster.

Each one requires different kinds of care and different types of the home;

Therefore hamsters can have different cages depending on the breed and the number of hamsters that should be housed.

Types of Hamsters

In nature, there are different types of rodents, but in the case of hamsters three different species are known, some of them allow them to be kept in groups, and the nature of others requires that they are raised alone.

However, none of them should be raised or get together with hamsters of other species.

The types of hamster species are:

1. Syrian Hamsters 

It is the most common species that is raised as a pet. However, you must raise them alone because two together tend to fight. They are usually docile and easy to handle.

2. Dwarf Hamsters

They are very sociable and can sometimes be raised in groups, provided that the other hamster is of the same species, however, for this to be achieved well the animals must be together from an early age.

They are quite agile but less docile and more difficult to handle, they are also known as white Russian Campbell hamsters, Roborovski or winter hamsters.

3. Chinese Hamsters

They are quite agile and very friendly, tend to look like dwarfs by size, but, in short, they are a different species. They are raised alone, and they do not get along with others of the same species.

Syrian Hamster vs Dwarf Hamster

You can keep the dwarf hamster in the same cage with other dwarves, though it is vital to know the sex if they stay in the same cage.

According to experts, there is no assurance that dwarf hamsters can get along forever, therefore having an extra cage just in case is essential.

Dwarf hamsters enjoy climbing and crawling through their tube.

Syrian hamsters were the earliest species to be bred use in scientific laboratories.

Today, this species comes in about forty different colors.

Though, in the wild, they are almost extinct due to the destruction of their habitat.

They are very different from their dwarf equivalents.

They always prefer individual cage, even if they are from the same cage together in a pet store.

Their desire for loneliness increases as they get older.

They will fight and injure one another seriously if they are not separated.

Not like dwarves, the Syrian hamster has a preference for ground space as opposed to many tubes; however, they still like to play with the wheel.

They as well enjoy different levels in their habitat, which can be linked with ramps or even ladders.

Do not make Mistakes When Choosing a Cage for Hamster

We must understand that all pets, including Hamster, have a natural habitat.

So, when we adopt Syrian/Dwarf Hamster Cages, we must make every effort to give the Hamster Habitat as close as possible to its natural habitat.

In it, basic hygiene standards must be met, and the animals must always find food and water in their Syrian/Dwarf Hamster Cages.

Types of Cages for Hamsters

There are different types of Syrian Hamster Cages that we can choose from. These are the most common:

1. Cages

These are the typical Big Hamster Cages with bars and a lower plastic tray.

Without a doubt, it is the option that less money will cost you, but it will also be the one that generates more dirt.

Think that Hamster, like rodents, is digging and these types of Big Hamster Cages allows all the substrate to go outside.

On the other hand, it is possible, rather sure, to bite the bars, and it could do occasional damage. 

2. Aquarium

long aquarium of fish can be turned into a terrarium for the hamster.

Obviously, if we do it, it will be very economical, although we can also get a second-hand one.

The only thing that you will have to be careful of is the lid, as it must have one or several ventilation openings.

3. Terrarium

Also, a terrarium of reptiles is an excellent choice as a cage for a hamster.

Of course, it has the disadvantage of being more expensive, although if you decide on it, you will not regret it.

The only drawback is that they are heavy and that there is difficulty in placing the sprue and feeder.

For the rest, it is one of the most recommended for Large Hamster Cages.

What Thinks to Take Into Account When Acquiring a Cage For Hamster

Undoubtedly, when talking about important things in a Hamster Habitat, the first place is occupied by space.

A Hamster is moved and mischievous, so he will need space in which to move and carry out his antics.

They have needs like going from one place to another, scratching or running. For this, you will need space.

If a Hamster does not have enough space to develop, it can suffer several problems, such as:

Compulsive Behaviours

Such as a repetitive scratching of walls, compulsively scratching corners, obsession with gnawing the terrarium or cage, or excessive interest in hygiene that could cause problems in the skin, tail, and legs.

Social Instability

You already know that Hamster must live in communes because being alone pushes them to depressions and behavioral problems. If there is not enough space in the cage for everyone, they may start fighting for territory.

Depression and Stress

If the Hamster does not have enough space in which to move, they could be unhappy or even reach a depression. It could begin without wanting to eat much, sleeping little, and end up becoming irritable and less docile.


If your Hamster has babies, they may resort to cannibalism to have more space if there is not enough for everyone.

These have been our tips for you to choose the Best Hamster Cages and get, so your pets are happy and have everything you need.

What to Look For When Buying a Best Hamster Cage?

When buying a cage for your Syrian hamster, you need to consider several factors.

When you are determined to buy Cheap Hamster Cages, you cannot get carried away by aesthetic appreciations or by what is cheaper.

Apparently, you can find excellent cages at high prices, but the significant thing is that what you select for the animal meets with a series of basic requirements.

Here we leave some of those that you must take into account when choosing.

The most vital thing is that you want to buy a cage that is big enough, easy to clean and safe.

Unfortunately, a lot of cages you’ll find at the pet store do not meet all of these requirements when it comes to Syrian hamsters.

The following are what you need to consider when buying Syrian hamsters cage.

1. Cage style: Wire vs. Plastic

Traditionally these are the two recurrent materials for the elaboration of the cages of these animals, however, in the case of the wire cages; they must have a plastic floor because the wire itself can only be considered unsafe for the feet of the animals.

The wire cages should not have a considerable space between bars as it can be dangerous for the head of the animal, taking into account all these details.

The plastic ones have become more popular because they seem to overcome some of the obstacles that you will find with a wire cage,

The only disadvantage is that the plastic does not allow climbing, so you must make ramps and accessories for the pet to play and move.

Your main options will be between the wire cages, the typical plastic cage with many compartments and tubes.

Or an aquarium with a secure mesh covers.

Each style of the cage has advantages and disadvantages for easy cleaning, ventilation, and safety.

2. Easy to clean

Our recommendation is always that you do not complicate your life with difficult things to assemble and disassemble, which are therefore difficult to clean.

It is necessary that you remember that a pet, whatever its size, must always be in a clean habitat, not only for the animal but also for you.

If you do not keep the cage with good cleaning habits, sooner or later (and believe me, it will be sooner rather than later), you will not bear the plague of excrement and urine.

The cages with tunnels and houses can be a nuisance, but the ones with plastic lids and trays are easier to clean.

In general, a wire cage with a plastic tray is more comfortable to clean; lift the wire from the bottom, wash the bedding and clean the wire part as required.

The more complicated the cage is, the harder it will be to clean it, which is very important if you think of a plastic enclosure with multiple tubes and compartments.

These cages can become a real task to clean. Aquariums are not challenging to clean; however, it can be cumbersome and difficult to handle at the time of cleaning.

Cleaning a cage is not a pleasant task; therefore keeping it easy will make it more enjoyable to have a hamster.

3. Ventilation

Every living being needs oxygen to live, and hamsters are no exception, so the cage you select must meet this requirement.

The wire ones are the most suitable in this sense because they are completely uncovered and do not pose any danger of suffocation for the animal.

However, in the plastic, you must make sure to place them guaranteeing optimal ventilation and that the air usually flows, because these tend to be more closed.

The wire cage is the best choice for ventilation.

Tubes and closed compartments of standard plastic cages can prevent airflow. Therefore air quality and condensation can become issues.

Similarly, aquariums may have insufficient ventilation.

Keep in mind that the opening of wire cages gives the animal great ventilation, but it means that you should keep the cage out of drafts.

Plastic cages and aquariums provide better protection from drafts.

4. Hamster Cage Size

Surely you will know how important it is not to feel uncomfortable, drowned or locked in the space where you spend most of the time.

Have you lived before in a tiny flat where you feel like you bump into everything?

Well, something similar can happen with these animals, especially if they are large species.

Come on, and it would be fierce to put your pet in a space where you can barely move and to avoid a reprimand of Green Peace, it is best to follow the instructions.

For example, if you have a Syrian Hamster, a space of not less than 150 square inches of the floor and a vertical area of 17.5 inches is advised.

If your Hamster is dwarf with about 120 square inches of the floor and seven verticals, he will be more than happy.

But, to keep your hamster active and happy, try to get a bigger cage: when it comes to hamsters, bigger is always better.

Syrian hamsters need ample space to play and run, and the actual surface of the cage is essential for this purpose.

In general, many of the cages sold for hamsters are too small for Syrian hamsters but it must be at least 24 by 12 inches and at least 12 inches high.

Keep in mind that the compartments, tubes, and built-in wheels of the plastic cages are tiny for a lot of Syrian hamsters.

5. Cage Safety and Security

These animals have excellent skills to open things as an instinct to find food. Unfortunately, this talent can put them in more than one predicament because they can open the doors of their cages or even chew the walls if they are hungry.

And how you know a hamster lose on the floor can represent a real danger especially for himself since his fragile little body can be threatened almost by anything.

So, before buying the Hamster Cage, you must ensure that it is one with substantial walls.

The space between the rails in the Syrian hamster cage should not be more than 1/2 inch.

The horizontal bars will allow some climbing opportunity.

Inspect the doors of any cage to ensure they are safe since hamster can become very talented at opening doors.

Metal clips, such as those at the end of the dog’s leash, can be clipped on the doors of the lock for a higher level of security on wired doors.

If you choose a cage with several levels, ensure that there is no place where the hamster can fall long distances.

6. Syrian hamster cages chewing

Syrian hamster chewing drives can influence their choice of a cage.

Wire cages have a lot of benefits, but some hamsters are almost obsessed with chewing the bars.

If the provision of chew toys and the boredom busters do not relieve chewing, then switching to a solid sided cage can be the best alternative.

Also, when buying a plastic cage, be sure there are no exposed edges where your hamster can begin to chew the cage, or is likely to escape from.

Aquariums are usually chew-proof.

7. Cage’s Wheels

This accessory is essential in the cage of your pet, to buy one you must ensure that it has a solid surface because the crossbars are dangerous for their feet as they can be trapped.

The diameter of the wheel must be larger than the length of the hamster’s body.

Hamsters need wheels; however, it is essential to be sure the Syrian hamster wheel is large enough.

The wheels in Syrian hamster’s plastic cages are sometimes tiny for them.

Preferably, the wheels should have a solid surface and there are no crossbars to support, so no limbs or other parts of the body get caught.

By considering all the above suggestions, I have done some significant research on the best hamster cages.

Both small carriers, large hamster cages are available at a reasonable price.

You can buy with confidence.

This collection is especially for buyers who are badly seeking the best cage for their hamsters.

8. Vital Space

These animals are indeed very active, so if you want to have them at ease, you should provide them not only with enough space.

So they can move and play comfortably, but also, the accessories that will make their habitat something like no other.

If you provide them with exercise wheels, labyrinths, and tunnels, you will be improving and adapting their living space.

9. The depth of The Bed 

Taking an animal that is traditionally from a burrow to a cage may sound cruel, but if you are willing to give them everything, they need to have a normal life in this new habitat, then nothing happens.

One of these considerations is the depth of the cage.

Since the Hamsters love to dig, then you must make sure that the floor of the cage has a double base with at least 2 inches deep, that you can fill with various materials appropriate for the pet and thus give them something to dig, how much deeper, better!

50+ Best Syrian Hamster Cages/Carriers/Habitats/Homes

Do you want your hamster to live like a king in a cage with everything you need to have a great time?

We will show you a selection of the Cheap Hamster Cages you can buy, with all kinds of accessories for your pet and at such an economical price that you will not be able to believe it.

Hamsters pet care market has expanded significantly in recent years, resulting in the production of some excellent innovative products, but also some very questionable products.

No pet store will announce that its products are not suitable, so check with your veterinarian instead of the sales staff to know the products they have encountered problems with and the ones they rate high.

With these basic tips, you will keep your Syrian hamster cage safer for your pets.

You can now check the Best Hamster Cages and buy with more confidence and, hopefully, avoid some distressing circumstances for you and your pet.

1.  GNB Large Hamster Cage DIY Habitat

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2. Habitrail Cristal Small Hamster Cage

This Cristal Hamster Cage is quite safe, durable, cozy and comfortable for hamsters for small creatures and pets.

It is, however, a satisfied animal habitat where the pet can explore and hide respectively.

This beautiful habitat cage is easy to maintain and clean and is also designed with perfect air ventilation.

The actual measure of this hamster cage is within 16 inches in length by 10 inches in width and 9-1/2 inch in total height.

Habitrail Cristal Hamster Cage is a quality habitat for the pet that comes within the budget of $20-$24.

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3. Lixit Animal Care Hamster Heaven Metro Cage

This hamster cage comes with many necessary pet accessories with an extra large size.

In fact, this Savic hamster heaven metro cage is quite easy to assemble and maintain.

It is made of a quality plastic within the easy budget that suits every pocket, as comes in $136-$138.

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4. IRIS 2-Tier & 3-Tier Hamster Cage

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3-Level Sparkle Clear Transparent Syrian Hamster Home

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6. Prevue Pet Products 528 Universal Small Animal Home

This specific hamster cage comes in a wide variety of designs and sizes for animals.

It is also inherited with exercising, and other essential accessories tightened with 3/8 wire spacing.

It is also available with a deep base of 6 1/4” with two large doors, one at the top and one of the other side.

With the wire spacing of 3/8’’, it comes with a perfect measurement of 32 ½ Length, 19” Wide and 17 ½ Height.

It comes in the price tag of just $66-$68, which is quite affordable

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7. Carlson Secure and Compact Double Door Large Breed Crate

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8. Sportpet Large Pop Crate Kennel

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9. Petnation Fabric Port-A-Crate E2 Indoor/Outdoor Pet Home

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10. Pet Kennel Folding Steel Crate

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11. Wooden Pet Crate-Table, Locking Kennel Enclosure

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12. MidWest Homes XL Giant 48- Inch Long Crate

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13. Foldable Metal Exercise Pen & Pet Playpen

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14. New Age Pet Large ecoFlex Pet Crate

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15. Petco Premium 2-Door Wire Hamster Crate

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16. Portable Indoor Outdoor Play Yard Pen Run with Carrying Bag

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17. Precision Pet Lock System Two-Door Wire Hamster Crate

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18. Midwest Folding Metal XL Crate with 48L x 30W x 33H Dimensions

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19. Internet’s Best Cages Made Of Wires

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20. Best Hamster Cages Made Of Plastic

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21. Hamster Aquariums Or Glass Tanks

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22. Ferplast Hamster Cage

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23. Easy to clean Kaytee Super Hamster Crate

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24. Ferplast Wooden HAMSTERVILLE Hamster Habitat Cage

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25. Ferplast Two-floors Hamster Cage, Black

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26. Extra levels Hamster & Small Animal Home/Cage

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3 Tier IRIS Hamster Cage

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28. Lixit Animal Care Swarf Hamster X-Large Cage

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29. MidWest Homes Awesome Arcade Hamster Home

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30. Solid metal wire GalaPet Hamster and Gerbil Cage Habitat with Toys

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31. Prevue Pet Products Three Story Hamster/Gerbil Cage

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32. Kaytee Critter Trail 2-Level Habitat

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33. Hamster Extra Large Precision Pet by Petmate 2 Door Great Crate 

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34. Petco Classic 1-Door Hamster Large Wire Crates

It is a cage model in which even more than one hamster could live comfortably and have fun exploring and touring the different sections of which it is composed.

The hamsters are quite hyperactive, which makes it essential that they have space to move, in order to preserve them in a better state of health and for this, this cage can cover the needs of your furry friend in this regard.

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35. Guardian Gear Select Easy Medium-Extra Large Crates

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36. Puppy Playpen Outdoor Back or Front Yard Fence Metal Wire

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37. Amazon Basics Single Door & Double Door Folding Metal Crate 42 inches 

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38. Midwest Pets  Single Door & Double Door Folding Metal Large Crate

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39. Habitrail Dwarf Hamster Cage & Hamster Accessories

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40. Kaytee My First Home Giant Huge Pet Habitat

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41. Deluxe Hamster and Gerbil Cage

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42. GalaPet Hamster, Gerbil Cage Habitat with Toys (Pink)

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43. Chew Proof Four Story Hamster Cage

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44. GNB Pet 3 Levels Ultra Large Hamster DIY Cage Habitat

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45. CritterTrail One Level Pink Habitat

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46. You&Me Small Animal High Rise Tank Topper

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47. Tri-level cage Hamster Haven

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48. Kaytee My First Home Multi-Level Habitat for Exotics

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49. Transparent plastic Hamster Cage

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50. Dwarf hamsters, Hamsters One Level Habitat

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51. GNB Pet Hamster Cage DIY Habitat

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4 Level Sparkle Hamster Mice Mouse Cage Large Top Exercise

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53. Lazy Bones 3 Storey Hamster Cage

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53. IRIS USA Hamster and Gerbil 2-level Pet Habitat

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54. Midwest Deluxe Critter Nation small Hamster cage (Single Story)

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55. New Large Habitat Hamster Cage Long Crossing Tube With 5.5″ Deep Tray

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3 Level Sparkle Clear Transparent Syrian Hamster Cage

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How to Set Up a Hamster Cage? 

After selecting the one that will be the new house of your pet, the next thing is to make the corresponding assembly, and you must remember that everything must be assembled by the time you put the animal inside.

If you do not have much idea of how to do it, here are some instructions.

1. Choose A Location For The Hamster 

These birches have complex habits, on the one hand, they are very active so having them in your room may not be the most convenient, on the other hand, and they have a keen sense of hearing, so you cannot leave them in a place with excessive noise.

What we always recommend is a comfortable, comfortable, ventilated place, reasonably quiet and at room temperature, so that the pet feels comfortable.

2. Prepare the Bed

As we have already told you, these animals have great instincts to dig, so it is necessary that the bed of the cages be quite deep and with material that allows them to dig and give free rein to their instincts.

With a bed of two inches, the smells and liquids are absorbed better and, in addition, you will protect the feet of your pet.

3. Add Funky and Essential Accessories

Placed the cage and the bed, and the next thing you have left is the accessories.

Once everything is ready, place the wheels, tunnels, food and water dispensers, stairs and anything you want to include without overloading your space and limiting your mobility.

Things That Hamsters Need

Hamsters are very active animals; they require a lot of exercise, so some accessories are precisely necessary for them.

For example, something that cannot be missing from your jail is an exercise wheel because that way you will enjoy running and exercising while helping your metabolism.

Another accessory that may be able to help you is a hamster ball if you want the animal to explore the area outside its cage in a protected environment.

In these cases, you must make sure that the floor is not inhabited by other pets that could hurt them or by humans who are not aware of the presence of the ball throughout the house.

An accessory that is also essential for hamsters is the material to gnaw, in nature this can be anything that will keep your teeth sharp and healthy, but in captivity, you must make sure you put chewing gum safe within your reach.

The following is the material to dig; the hamsters must have a good burrow.

Tubes of paper towels, wood shavings, remnants of cellulose scraps and sheets of paper can be a great option.

Tips to Keep your Syrian Hamster Cage Safer for your Pets

Even though hamsters are small, to keep your hamsters safe, you need to commit your time and other resources.

Keeping Syrian hamsters as pets can demand as much time and commitment as owning a puppy.

Every day, you need to feed your hamster and make sure that it has clean drinking water.

Many times a week, you have to clean out their toilets.

Every day, you should give about an hour of interaction and playtime for you and your hamster.

You should also plan on thoroughly cleaning out their cages at least once a week.

Feed your Syrian hamsters with vegetables and mixed fruits.

This is the most nutritious blend of food for Syrian hamsters.

Always remember, do not give them human junk food like chocolate.

Even a little amount of junk food will worsen your Syrian hamster’s health because of their small sizes.

Just like all rodents, Syrian hamsters are fanatic’s chewers; the most apparent danger is to allow electrical cables to be very close to their cages.

You should also check with greatest care toys you bought for your hamsters in case they could be a risk that threatens your pet life.

For instance, hamsters naturally chew away at toys, which is not strong enough to resist gnawing, creating fragments or flecks of a separate material.

Hamsters can swallow these, and if the substance is toxic, they can become rapidly sick.

The sharp parts can also irritate the subtle membranes that line their cheek pouches or even worse, penetrate their gastrointestinal organs.

Last update on 2021-11-24 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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