Dog Food: Deal with Allergies FAQs Answered

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Like a loyal companion of human beings, dogs deserve the best treatment, including diet.

There are specially formulated foods for specific breeds, ages, and health conditions.

Not all the foods on the market are suitable for your dog, so allergies may be unavoidable.

Below are some frequently asked questions about dog food.

Can dog food allergies cause hair loss?

The answer is yes. Hair loss is one of the common symptoms of a food allergy among canines.

Dogs tend to show allergic reactions to food sources like chicken, beef, eggs, grains, legumes, or root vegetables.

Besides shedding too much fur, your dog may scratch frequently and feel uncomfortable in its own skin.

These abnormal signs are possibly put down to food allergies.

For greater certainty, you should take your pet to the veterinarian’s clinic, where it is put on an exclusion diet.

A thorough physical exam and the history of food consumption are also taken into account.

The examination can take several weeks and the dog will be fed on a basic diet.

Afterward, you are advised to slowly add other foods to the diet and observe for behavioral or physical changes, thereby determining which is the source of allergy.

During this time, you need to be extremely strict and refrain from giving it any treats or supplements without the approval of the doctor.

To alleviate symptoms, you can consider increasing the content of biotin or omega-3 oils in its diet while getting rid of by-products like artificial flavors and sugar.

These supplements are widely known for their natural anti-inflammatory effect that supports coat health.

In addition, apply regular tick and flea treatments or de-worming.

If possible, avoid exposing the dog to stressful situations; otherwise, they will lose hair over.

Read More: Best grain dog food for skin allergies

Can dog food allergies cause ear infections?

dog food allergies

Food allergies are the main source of ear infections for most dogs.

A food allergy results in inflammation in the intestines, promoting the growth of bacteria or yeasts there. Then, they spread to the whole body and ears are no exceptions.

Therefore, if this is the first time your dog has suffered from an ear infection, the very first question coming up in your mind should be “Is he allergic to something in his diet?”.

If the symptoms don’t disappear, professional consultation is necessary.

Dyes, corn, chicken, lamb, grains, and so on need to be left out from daily diets. Raw and cooked foods are preferable.

Besides changing his food, you should combine with cleaning his ears at home.

Herbal medications include olive leaf, oregano oil, neem oil, and rosemary extract.

A mixture of garlic and vitamin E proves helpful in eliminating bacteria and promoting healing.

Read More: Best Hypoallergenic dog food   

Can dog food allergies cause diarrhea?

Yes, but not all dogs diagnosed with food allergies suffer from concurrent gastrointestinal signs like diarrhea.

If your pet has a medical record of gastrointestinal problems and non-seasonal itchiness, a food allergy may be the number 1 potential problem.

However, in some cases, it is just simply a normal reaction to his GI tract.

If you leave water bowel movements untreated for more than 2 days, your pet risks catching life-threatening diseases. Therefore, prompt treatment is highly recommended.

Refrain from feeding him while maintaining a frequent supply of water to keep him hydrated for at least 24 hours.

If he gets better, you can slowly give him a normal diet.

Read More: Best dog food for allergies.

Can dog food allergies cause seizures?

Food allergies are a common factor leading to canine seizures.

In particular, processed and low-grade food contains harmful chemicals, emulsifiers, and preservatives that stimulate changes in mental activities.

Other triggers include tomatoes, carrots, several dairy products, unclean pork, walnuts, caffeinated products as well as certain spices like rosemary, fennel, saffron, and sage.

Since there are plenty of other potential causes such as medications and stressful situations, you should take your dog to a vet’s clinic immediately for an exact diagnosis.

Change to a raw or home-cooked diet that focuses on high fats, low carbs, restricted calories, and moderate protein.

By this way, you will proactively keep seizures off your furry friend.

Read More: Best dog food for sensitive stomach and diarrhea.

Can dog food allergies cause breathing problems?

Breathing issues are rare symptoms in dogs with food allergies.

However, you shouldn’t rule out the possibility of allergy to something in his diet when finding your pet having difficulties in breathing.

Otherwise, he may inhale allergens, including proteins of the plant, insect, and animal origin.

Therefore, physical check-up is necessary to find the root cause of the problem.

Read More: Best high fiber dog food

Can dog food allergies cause blood in stool?

Allergic dogs feeding

Food allergies are also likely to cause fresh blood in dog feces.

A sudden change in their daily diet, bad or inedible food, once consumed, can make dogs’ lower bowel inflamed, leaving blood in their stool.

Even a protein in a certain food is the source of colitis and blood in feces.

Since the stomach of some breeds is sensitive, they can produce adverse reactions to a new treat by bloody diarrhea.

In this case, you should pay a visit to your veterinarian unless everything gets worse.

He will conduct a complete blood count, fecal and rectal examination, coagulation and biochemistry profile as well as abdominal x-rays; thereby determining exactly whether food is the main cause behind the bloody stool.

Besides providing your pet with a nutritious diet, make sure he gets enough exercise to enhance his overall health. 

Read More: Best dog food for diabetic dogs.

Can dog food allergies cause coughing?

In some cases, coughing may be associated with food allergies besides hay fever, environmental, or seasonal allergies.

Thus, it is advisable that you have your dog diagnosed to eliminate any potential causes of respiratory irritation, especially food-related triggers.

Look for alternative diets that include venison, gluten-free oatmeal, potato, and kangaroo.

These foods are the least likely to provoke allergic reactions among dogs.

Last words

Understanding food allergies is a great way to keep your dog healthy and energetic.

If you detect any of the above-mentioned symptoms, remember to consult a veterinarian’s help immediately to get professional support.

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