Do you want to aware of betta fish tank FAQs?
For an avid fish lover, a fish tank is not merely a living environment where different schools of “saltwater people” are housed and thrive.
But it is an awe-inspiring display of the whole marine ecosystem, highlighted by the shining strips of splendid color from betta creatures.
Just like we, humankind, depending on the oxygen in the air to breathe and carry out metabolism process crucial for survival, a betta fish’s prospective growth depends mostly on the tank water condition, whether it is fresh and clean or not.
For further details on the remaining factors that have a say on your little friend’s health, seek reference here.
If you are a beginner in raising betta fish, it is essential to pick up some guidelines in hand on how to maintain the best water condition in the betta fish tank.
Have a look at the frequently asked questions below, these betta fish tank FAQs will solve most of the queries.
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Betta Fish Tank FAQs
What should the pH level be in a betta fish tank?
Bear in mind that the pH level is not similar in different kinds of water.
As usual, pet owners will choose to make use of the resource from the faucet in their household as a potential provider of water for betta fish. But is the pH level in it suitable for our betta?
Luckily, the answer is yes.
The ideal pH for betta fish is neutral 7.0 or can be slightly acidic, falling somewhere within the range of 6.8 to 7.4.
In the tap water, this figure fluctuates from 6.5 to 7.5, which is still life-sustaining.
If you are uncertain about the actual pH of your homes tap water, have it tested by extracting a water sample and bring it to the vet stores.
They will do the job for you. Or if you prefer, equip yourself with a proper pH test kit to check the water yourself.
One more thing to remember is that the pH measured at the start of the week may differ from that of the weekend due to changes in water particles, so test your tank at least 1-2 times per week.
What causes cloudy water in a betta fish tank?

If you have ever dealt with bacteria bloom (so-called cloudy water), you may know it is one of the most frustrating things that can happen in the fish-keeping hobby.
Cloudy water is a typical condition in an aquarium, usually occurs 2 to 4 days after fish are introduced to their home.
It doesn’t matter how many water changes you do or how often you clean the filter media; the water is still cloudy. Possible causes are:
- Bacteria growth: When your tank is not fully cycled in terms of the nitrogen conversion, the water becomes very cloudy each time you add fish food because of the bacteria that are suspended in the water column.
- Overfeeding: This is when you have too much food in the tank, and the fish don’t eat it. It can then sink to the bottom of the tank and later get dissolved into the water column.
- Overpopulation: Too many fish in a restricted space tank can kick up a lot of stuff with the substrate such as debris, food waste, etc that can create cloudiness.
- Inadequate filtration: That you are not changing the filter media often enough has an impact on the quality of the water in the way it looks mechanically. Thus, once the filter floss gets gummed up, it isn’t going to trap any additional stuff from the water. Instead, it just passes through right back into the tank.
How often should I do a water change on a betta fish tank?
It is impossible to offer an exact time of frequency for this habit as it depends on many factors, namely the size of your tank, the number of fish and other creatures there, whether it is fully cycled, and so forth.
Generally, for the unfiltered tank, changing 30-50% of the water every week is acceptable. While in a filtered one, 20% of the water each week may be enough. Smaller tanks mean more water changes needed.
But that is not all we have to consider. How about other specific cases
For a typical 5-gallon tank filled with plants and marine creatures of different breeds, if there is no sponge filter, 70 – 80% of the water should be changed every 2 to 3 days.
In case your tank is heavily stocked, more than once a week water changing should do well.
Fry tank requires more frequent water changes: from 50 to 60% of the water should be changed every other day or every few days.
If you wonder about how to do a water change, visit this site.
What are some of the best live plants for betta fish tanks?

Beautifying the tank by adding some plants is reasonable.
Check out some fundamental decoration rules for a harmonious arrangement of your fishy world from here.
These are the top pick for seven best live plants to put into the betta fish container:
Java Fern
- This plant is highly adjustable to different water parameters and is straightforward in its requirements for survival.
- To grow a new plant from the original one is a breeze as well. Just take off some of its leaves and then let nature take its course.
- Even though Java Fern grows marginally slower than other plants, it is the hardest and most favored by fish as a hiding spot.
Java Moss
- Java Moss is a perfect addition to your tank since it can be used as a spawning substrate for the fish or a shelter for betta and other creatures.
- Also, it will help absorb excess wastes from the aquarium, making it look cleaner.
- The main benefit is that it increases the oxygen supply and is extremely easy to take care of.
- Ancharis provides the breeding place for betta fish to store the eggs.
- To some fish, Ancharis is a cozy home since it offers shade and shadow for the whole aquarium creatures.
- Besides, the plant secretes an anti-toxin to prevent blue-green algae from spreading. Once again, it is easy to care for.
Amazon Sword Plants
- Their leaf formation makes them resilient to the changing water condition around.
- They provide shelter and security for the tank, improve the water quality by absorbing the floating nutrients and waste.
- Moreover, these species can be an extra supplier of oxygen to the fish.
- They boast the environmental friendliness of the marine world.
LUFFY Betta Balls
- These plants are favorite toys of all fish which are pushed around merrily each time betta friends want some entertainment.
- Under proper living condition with good light and nutrients, Luffy can live up to 100 years or more.
- Not only do they save space for beneficial bacteria but they help hinder the growth of unwanted algae and help absorb nitrates and phosphate as well.
- The plants are easy to maintain and worth the value.
- This plant can do well under different water parameters as long as they are treated to decent light and nutrients.
- Because of its rapid growth rate, fish keepers should monitor it and get the offshoots trimmed down to prevent the plant from growing too large.
- Fortunately, they don’t produce waste and thus, is a must-have plant for a nice aquarium.
Amazon Frogbit
- Unlike the stuff mentioned above, Amazon Frogbit is floating on the water surface, just like a lily pad. It’s large, covering leaf can be a unique feature to your tank, but it can be uncomfortable at times.
- Too much of it can prevent betta fish from getting to the surface for sufficient daylight.
These are the betta fish tank FAQs.
Final words
These questions offer valuable knowledge which will be essential if you decide to set up a betta fish tank.
Learn them carefully and enjoy the pleasure of having a healthy fish container.