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It’s not so difficult to raise a hamster, but you should pay great attention to giving it proper hamster care, especially food.
Getting a hang of its diet is key to keeping it in shape. Meanwhile, you can spend more time enjoying your life.
Below are the most common 5 questions related to hamster food.
FAQs about Hamster Food and Eating
How much food does a hamster eat a day?
Depending on specific sizes and ages, each hamster needs a different portion of food intake. On average, only one to two full tablespoons of food per day is enough for them.
They tend to store everything else in their cheeks so even when they aren’t hungry, they still beg for more food.
Dwarf hamsters eat slightly less while a little more will satisfy the Syrian breed.
Small animals like Roborovskis only eat less than one teaspoon. Moreover, those recovering or pregnant rodents need to eat more than usual.
In many cases, you have to use your judgment to provide appropriate daily amounts of food. If you find your pet putting a huge amount of food in storage, cut down on the feeding.
Otherwise, it is necessary to increase the amount if the food disappears quickly.
Read More: for the hamster water dispenser.
How long does hamster food last?
Since just a tiny handful of food keeps hamsters energetic all day long, a 1kg bag of food will run up within a few weeks.
In particular, for small animals like Syrian hamsters, they only need about 20 grams of food each day. Thus, a 5-pound food bag is to last for a couple of months.
Hamster food can expire, but it can last longer than that if you have a proper storage method.
Upon purchase of a brand-new bag, put it in the freezer first for 1 – 2 days and wait for it to return to the room temperature.
Then, you can feed the pet on the food. If possible, prepare a container to fill with the food from the freezer so that you can save some waiting time.
Canned foods expire at least 2 years from the manufacturing date.
Despite keeping the nutritional value and safety after that period, the food may show some changes in color and texture.
If stored under temperatures as moderate as 75oF and below, such type of food is edible for an infinite period of time.
Don’t forget to throw away bags that show signs of mold, stale or bugs.
Read More: Do not forget to clean the hamster cage in a regular period of time.
How often should you change hamster food?
Since absurd changes in diets can have negative impacts on hamsters, during the early days of adoption, consider feeding your hamster on the same food as what he eats in the pet store.
When he has got used to the new living environment, slowly alter his diet if necessary.
It is acceptable to supply new food to the rodent on a daily basis.
The best time should be in the evening since he is awake during this period. Wild hamsters also tend to go out seeking food to store for the next days when the dark draws in.
Regardless of food types, you should make gradual changes to minimize the chance of provoking illnesses.
In other words, try giving the new food at the interval of three days. After that, slowly increase the amount and frequency of treats.
Read More: Follow these tips to avoid hamster biting.
What is hamster favorite food?
Wild hamsters eat what is available in their habitat, mostly in dry places within the vicinity of a desert.
As a result, their food usually includes some insects, grain, seeds, and grasses.
Domesticated hamsters share the same diet with their ancestors.
They crave for fruits and vegetables, especially carrots. However, given their high content of sugar and the tiny body of hamsters, overconsumption may lead to diarrhea.
Therefore, a small cube of carrot twice or three times a week is enough to satisfy the pet’s appetite.
In addition, the rodent may love eating chicory, broccoli, cauliflower, pear, peach, and banana. Apart from fresh vegetables and fruits, hamsters are also fond of whole grains and cereals.
Peanut butter can be on the love list of some hamsters.
However, like other sticky food, you should provide it with great care. It can run the risk of getting stuck in the cheek pouches, resulting in serious problems.
Read More: These are the best hamster enclosures.
What kind of hamster food is the best?
The best hamster food is supposedly similar to what this animal eats in the wild.
When it comes to hamster food, there are a variety of brands with diverse recipes on the market.
Among them, those with more variety are more favorable.
Generally speaking, the best diet for a hamster is pelleted with the supplement of other safe and human foods.
Pellets are helpful in wearing down these rodents’ teeth and balancing their immune system.
Remember to add some good seeds like those of pumpkin, sunflower, and wheat to the diet. These seed packs are available at various pet stores.
When giving a seed mix, make sure your little companion doesn’t eat only sunflower seeds in the sense that they don’t provide enough nutrients.
In case he doesn’t have an appetite for the pelleted diet, you can try seeking a see diet with pellets or covering the pellets with seed mixture.
Though mixes and pellets are nutritiously sufficient and safe, some hamsters can be choosy and only eat their favorite bits in a mixture.
Thus, you should wait until the pet eats up all the food in the bowl before adding more mix.
Otherwise, familiarize him with a mainly pelleted diet from a young age.
If necessary, supply mineral and vitamin supplements in the form of chews, liquids, or treats to ensure your pet is enjoying a nutritious diet.
Read More: You should keep these things in mind because all these are recommended by the professional Vet.
Last words
In a nutshell, hamsters are adorable enough to make a cute little friend of human beings.
They deserve the best treatment and the utmost care. Knowing all about their food is a basic step in learning to become a responsible pet owner.
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