Do you have FAQs about Guinea Pig Cages?
Guinea pig is a rodent with a cute fat shape like a stuffed animal. What will be more joyful than owning yourself a guinea pig as a pet?
However, caring one will be quite expensive and complicated because if its atmosphere is not clean, airy, and comfortable enough, it will raise the risks of diseases and even death.
With over ten years researching the rodents, especially the guinea pig, we know how necessary it is to provide the species a favorable living condition.
In this article, we will answer the issues concerned the most by those who have trouble with raising a guinea pig.
After reading the guides, you will have the necessary knowledge about making a proper cage as well as what you should take notice of to avoid the harmful factors to the cage.
So make sure you don’t miss anything here.
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FAQs About Guinea Pig Cages
What kind of cages is suitable for guinea pigs?
Guinea pig cages are available in many pet stores. When choosing, you should focus on the large and airy ones so that your mouse can feel comfortable staying there.
You can also design a cage for your pet, but make sure it is spacious enough, covered by a roof and equipped with a tray to facilitate the care and hygiene.

Appropriate floors
After preparing the cage, the next thing is to find a material suitable for lining the floor for them, of which non-fragrant wood shavings are an ideal choice.
A floor covering is essential, making the mouse comfortable and especially able to absorb their waste.
The ground floor is easy to grow mold, and the guinea pigs might eat those molds, so it is not suitable to make the cage for them.
Also, you should not use sawdust because they can affect the guinea pig’s eyes. Cedar shavings (usually reddish) are also inconsonant.
Instead, you can use pine wood shavings due to being soft and harmless.
What is the perfect size cage for a guinea pig?
A standard guinea pig cage must be four times longer than an adult mouse’s body length.
Of course, for this kind of species, the bigger their accommodation, the more advantageous it becomes. This species is very are active and likes running, so they need a safe area with plenty of space for them to play every day.
In general, the size of the cage is proportional to the length of time you raise your pet, or the number of them living in the stall.
Why do guinea pigs bite their cage?
There is a variety of reasons for this question.
The most common and simplest case is that the guinea pigs need something to bite to develop their teeth into the standard size during their lifespan.
They are the rodent, so it is not difficult to understand.
Besides guinea pig food, they also love other chew toys designed for chewing and gnawing.
Otherwise, the pet wants to attract your attention. It usually happens in the evening or at night.
How do I prevent my guinea pig from chewing the metal bars of the cage?
To prevent them from biting the cage metal bars, you can take it out to your room to run.
Notice that you should always keep your eyes on it so that it couldn’t get hurt, and you don’t want it to bite your computer cord, right?
If you don’t have plenty of time looking after the mouse, there is another effective way for this problem.
If you put some toilet paper or toilet paper core between the cage bars where the mouse bites, it will play and nibble on it instead.
Additional, you can give it something to nibble like fruits or chew toys.

Can a guinea pig and a hamster live together in one cage?
Guinea pigs are the animal living in the herd, so your pet will prefer to live with one or two members rather than playing alone.
Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean you can place a guinea pig and a hamster in one place.
Apart from differences in food, bedtime, and the need for the cage’s size, when you put them in the same space, they will likely to fight each other.
If you have long raised a hamster, you must know that this species is extremely territorial.
Can I place a guinea pig and rabbit in the same cage?
You might think that the guinea pigs and rabbits share the same habits and other things, and they can live together in one cage. However, it is not possible due to many reasons.
The first one is the different diets of the rabbit. While rabbits need Vitamin C in their foot like carrots, guinea pigs cannot synthesize it. In return, rabbits can’t overeat pellet food like guinea pigs.
Second, the health effect is also a matter to keep them living in one cage. A rabbit carries some bacteria that can cause respiratory diseases to the mouse.
Also, the sharp claws and big shape of the rabbit is its hazard.
Why does my guinea pig keep staying inside his cage?
It’s up to each situation and living condition of your guinea pig. It might be shy or uncomfortable in a small cage, or it might want to live with more members because guinea pigs are social herd animals.
Also, if you have just adopted the pet, this case of being reluctant to step and play outside the cage is more likely to happen.
To get familiar with your mouse, you need to be patient feeding it in your hand and playing with it.
This period can take up to one month until the guinea pig adapts to its life in your house.
Our last words
Guinea pigs are a sensitive yet friendly and dynamic species, requiring you to spend effort and time raising them properly, and the first and foremost task is making a cage.
Hope that with our guidelines, your duty will be effortless and favorable. For further information, don’t hesitate to let us know.
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