The guinea pigs are small, but unlike their tiny bodies, they need spacious living space.
As they spend a lot of time in their cages, it’s important to create comfortable bedding for your guinea.
You may find it’s a hard task when it comes to making ideal one for your little furry pet. Don’t worry; we are here to help you answer what you’re concerning. Keep reading!
Firstly, take some time to know more about guinea pigs. They are rodents native to South America and often found in grassland where the ecological environment share the similarities to cows.
Guinea pigs have a much smaller head than their body proportions. The head of the mouse is quite sharp.
The highlight features are the pointed muzzle, long teeth, and tiny pink nose.
The hair is quite long, divided into two layers to keep their body warm.
The mouse’s eyes are small and quite round with various colors, depending on their fur’s color. Their ears are small but extremely sensitive to the sounds.
Their main food is cereal grains and plants.
They can nibble on hard grain food. Their favorite ones are chestnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, rice, wheat, and corns.
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Guinea Pigs Bedding FAQs
Why do guinea pigs need bedding?
Can human sleep on a hard floor? Of course, the answer is “yes” but not for all the time. So, do guinea pigs. Because most of their cages are made out of metal, it can make them uncomfortable.
As guinea often hides in their hay or blankets, bedding can give them a feeling of safety and comfort.
They need bedding as it’s a pleasant place for them to hide from the danger and will find it an exciting way to entertain to spend their time.
With the high body temperature, your pet prefers bedding, especially in the winter, to have more warmth.

For guinea owners, scrubbing out the cage every day could be a hard task, and it can take a lot of time.
That’s why they should prepare to bed for their pets as an effective way to collect urine. When the bedding is wet, you can take it out and replace by another one.
How often should I change the bedding for my guinea pigs?
As dusty bedding can lead to some big health issues for your pigs such as allergies and breathing difficulties, it’s significant to change the bedding.
But how frequently?
There is no specific answer to this question; it much depends on the bedding types and the time your guinea pig stay in its hutch.
Whenever you think it needs changing (as it starts to smell), then replace it.
If you are using the paper pellet bedding for your pet, change it once a week. A lot of parents choose this type due to its softness, excellent absorbency, and convenience to clean up.
However, one thing you should keep in mind that the wet paper in the pet’s tummy even can cause death, so make sure it will not eat the bedding.
In case the cage is small, and you’ve got several pigs, you need to invest more time to scrub it out.
Another option for guinea pigs is fleece bedding which requires the laundering of every few days.
There is no doubt that this type recently has gained enormous popularity because it’s soft and reusable.

Can pet sheets be used as bedding for guinea pigs?
When it comes to choosing the bedding for your guinea pigs, the priority you have to consider is the softness and absorbency which can bring your pet a comfortable and happy environment.
The pet sheets can be permeated with the urine odor that can make your pigs do not like the smell.
Instead of using the pet sheets, there is a wide range of choices for you when picking the ideal bedding.
Click on here for details:
Why should we avoid bedding made of corn cob and cedar for guinea pigs?
As responsible parents, you need to know that the respiratory system of your pet is impressionable and therefore, you should pay more attention to bedding material selection.
Cedar comes with a pleasant smell that can hide the urine odor but it is toxic for guinea pigs and bring serious health problems.
The aromatic oils in the cedar can affect to the pig’s breathing and cause an allergic reaction like the chronic skin problem. Even it can damage the liver of guinea pigs.
Highly prone to mold, corn cob isn’t a good option to use for the bedding because it can hurt your guinea pigs’ feet.
Due to the small size, the pet may eat the pellets, and once it swells inside the digestive tracts, it can cause the intestinal blockage.
Also, the infection problem can happen if the pellets unintentionally get stuck in your pig’s anal or genital part.
Do guinea pigs love to sleep on soft surfaces (like fleece)?
A lot of guinea pig owners say that their pets enjoy cuddling up on hay or fleece where they feel warm.
Guinea pigs are originally mountain dwellers, and their temperatures aren’t regulated well, so make sure the environment is consistent.
As guinea pig has sore feet, fleece bedding is one of the best choices to give them a desirable space. The hard surfaces can make their feet hurt when walking on.
Using fleece bedding can help the owners to save money because they can be washed and reused. Besides, it makes the spot cleaning much easier.
The bottom lines
We hope that after reading this post, you will find it easier when taking care of your lovely guinea pigs.
Do not hesitate to let us know if you have any comments or need further information. Enjoy a happy time with your beloved pets!